How Does IVF Help Women Become Pregnant?

Infertility is a major issue for women and couples that could require extraordinary measures. To combat conditions that could lead to infertility a clinician provides certain treatments to increase the opportunity to become pregnant. The El Monte fertility clinic provides these opportunities such as IVF for women and couples to address these concerns.

Identifying the Underlying Issues

The clinician performs a thorough examination and testing to identify the underlying issues. For some women, infertility could be associated with blocked fallopian tubes or an inability to fertilize the eggs adequately. The clinician addresses the underlying condition through treatments or surgery. This could increase the woman’s chances of becoming pregnant.

Acquiring a Sample

The clinician acquires a sample from both prospective parents. For women, the eggs are extracted and stored. They also have the opportunity to freeze these eggs for a later time, if they prefer. The clinician uses these samples to produce a fertilized embryo.


The In Clinic Fertilization Process

The clinician places the samples in petri dishes to prevent contamination. They apply the male sample with the eggs to promote fertilization. The potential embryo is monitored to determine if fertilization is successful. Once it is successful, the prospective mother has up to forty-eight hours to undergo the implantation process.

The clinician monitors the progress of the implantation to determine if it is viable. This could include ultrasound testing and blood work. The clinician determines if the embryo advances to the next stage of development without any complications.

Achieving Successful Reproduction

For some women and couples the IVF implantation isn’t successful the first time. This could require them to continue to try to maintain a viable embryo several times. For this reason, the woman or couple should evaluate their major medical insurance policy to determine if further treatments are covered.

Infertility is a major issue for many women and men. However, the condition is often attributed to an underlying cause. If this cause is treatable, they could re-establish fertilization. Women and men that wish to use IVF to establish reproduction have access to this opportunity. Women or men who wish to start the process in Laguna Niguel should contact their preferred clinician now.

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